Our Services

Diagnostic Decision Support-Second Opinion You can enter signs and symptoms as well as laboratory data into our clinical Decision Support tool and the computer will prepare a very comprehensive differential diagnosis. The diagnostic program is accessing our database of over 14,000 diseases, drugs, bioterrorist agents and toxins that can cause human illness. We include in our lists very common items as well as very rare diseases. The web site provides comparison tools so that you can look at the details of each disease/condition and see which one most closely matches your patient’s clinical findings. The files are constantly being updated by medical professionals and contain the most current diagnostic information available. Every item in the file comes from a GOLD STANDARD reference. These references will appear on your reports and tables. These Gold Standard sources are the best and most current peer-reviewed medical textbooks and journals in the field of medicine.

Our clinical Decision Support tools extend from textural descriptions to mathematical programs that allow the user to analyze their own case and draw their own conclusions. We offer a pattern matching algorithm, case analysis reports and extensive comparison tables that are all designed and displayed for your patient’s condition. You set the unique patient parameters and the system prepares your case-specific report in seconds.

You can use the online medical library to research a disease or group of diseases. The system will provide a graphical display of symptoms and signs that enhance this comparison. These tools are designed to help sort complex problems into tables that are easy to read and evaluate.

Drugs can be most helpful when given and taken appropriately. They can also be a source of medical concern when the side effects and toxicity out-weigh the benefits. Each drug has its own unique properties and side effects which may make them difficult to diagnose. Our system contains a library of common drugs that have known medical side effects that can be confused with diseases. This library can be analyzed for common symptoms that a patient may be experiencing. The library is constantly growing as new drugs enter the market.

Toxins are all around us. Our homes are filled with potentially dangerous materials that can be used for a wide variety of purposes. It is possible that a patient's symptoms may be a result of a toxic material that is not obvious to the patient. Our online toxin library can be analyzed for common symptoms that may be unknown to the average physician who does not have experience in this area. The library is constantly growing as new toxins enter the market.